![Black Lives Matter [Artists Against Police Violence]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54da8488e4b07abb4710aaba/1459627819827-VAAII5SKSXF2QLPMWZ70/image-asset.jpeg)
![Black Lives Matter [Artists Against Police Violence]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54da8488e4b07abb4710aaba/1459627819827-VAAII5SKSXF2QLPMWZ70/image-asset.jpeg)
Artists Against Police Violence is proud to present our first exhibit in collaboration with EMW Bookstore. In October of 2014, we launched a national call for submissions calling all artists to rise up against anti-Black police violence as an urgent response to the numerous protests erupting in Ferguson and across America. The pieces gathered from this call became ArtistsAgainstPoliceViolence.com – a diverse online resource featuring paintings, posters, zines, and various print and moving media collected to be used on the streets, the internet and beyond. Here is a collection of work that remembers, mourns, and celebrates Black people who were killed by police, and honors the trauma and resistance that follow.
The exhibit strives to recenter the political intentions behind #BlackLivesMatter - which recognizes that anti-Black state violence encompasses much more than police murders of Black men, but also poverty, incarceration, ableism, and gender oppression -- as well as all the Black women and gender non-conforming people who have always led the movement in Ferguson, in Baltimore, and throughout history. Here is a constellation work by primarily Black artists, artists of color, and queer and trans artists visualizing the movement today.