RSVP is required for entrance. 21+ event. Bring your ID. Seating is limited to 80 guests.
Suggested donation: $8 or pay what you can at door. Your donations at the door go directly to help cover the drinks and food, and support the community that makes Drink Salon possible!
About Drink Salon
Technology in all its forms enables human beings to transcend our limitations. But what about our ultimate limitation: mortality?
The fact of death may be non-negotiable, and in this Drink Salon, we explore how human beings shape its manner and meaning using technology. Oftentimes whether consciously, by developing weapons or medicines, or unconsciously, through the adoption of other seemingly unrelated technologies, we develop technologies that afford us greater control than ever before over our bodies and environments.
EMW's Drink Salon on Technology and Ethics brings together a community and supportive space to spark challenging discussions on the role of technology in our everyday lives. Each month, we invite featured speakers to lead a conversation. We encourage salon guests to make new connections and to critically think about how technology relates to some of the most important questions we ask humanity.